参加に関するご案内 / Participation Guide

4DFF2024は会場(三菱ケミカル Science & Innovation Center)で開催します.
4DFF2024 will be held at the venue (Mitsubishi Chemical Science & Innovation Center).

4DFF2024 Call for Participation Flyer (English)pdf.gifTentative Programpdf.gif

Online (Zoom) participation is also available, but showcase exhibitions and social events will be held only at the venue.

・最終日の最後に参加者によるLightning Talk(1~2分程度のショートプレゼン)コーナーを企画しています.
 Lightning Talkを希望される方は,申込みフォームで選択してください.時間の都合で全ての希望者に実施していただけない場合もあります.

Registration will not be accepted after the registration deadline (10/16) as ID cards will be prepared for each participant.
Registration is also required for presenters.
A Lightning Talk (a short presentation of 1-2 minutes) by participants is planned at the end of the last day of the event.
 If you wish to attend the Lightning Talk, please select it in the application form. Please note that not all applicants may be able to have a Lightning Talk due to time constraints.
・Lunch is available at Mitsubishi Chemical's cafeteria. If you wish to use the cafeteria, please make sure to select it in the application form.
 (There are very few restaurants near the venue.)
 Only Japanese traffic IC cards (PASMO, SUICA, etc.) are accepted at the cafeteria. If you do not have any IC card, please pay in cash to the committee.
 ※Available Trafic IC Card
・There is only one hotel near the venue, Aobadai station. Please look for hotel in Minami-Machida, Machida, Shin-Yokohama, or other area.
Photography is not permitted on the Mitsubishi Chemical premises.
・The tentative program will be available at the end of August, and the final program and proceedings will be disclosed in October.

会場までのアクセス情報 / Access Information to Venue

アクセス情報pdf.gif  Access Information (English)pdf.gif

 東急バス(Tokyu Bus)
バス時刻表/Bus Schedule(青葉台駅→田奈高校/Aobadai Station→Tana High School)
バス時刻表/Bus Schedule(田奈高校→青葉台駅/Tana High School→Aobadai Station)

参加費 (現地・オンラインとも同額です) / Participation Fee (Same price both onsite and online.)

Supporting/Sponsoring Organization Members
8,250円 (うち消費税750円)
8,250JPY (including 750JPY consumption tax)
Univ. Student
Under High School
Society Party (October 24 evening at venue)
General : 2,000JPN,Student:1,000JPY
見学会 (希望者対象)
Lab. Tour (For applicant)
・三菱ケミカル株式会社 Science & Innovation Center
 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Science & Innovation Center
・株式会社3D Printing Corporation
 3D Printing Corporation K.K.
[訪問概要/Lab. Tour Summary]
Free (See Lab. Tour Summary for dates and times)




Membership of SIG-4DFF

To become a new member of 4DFF, you need to apply for membership and pay the membership fee (2,000JPY), valid for one year).(Membership to the ISJ is not required).
If you are already an individual member of ISJ, you can join by simply registering your name and membership number.

Click here to learn more about joining the SIG-4DFF.
Click here to learn more about joining the ISJ.

参加申し込み / Registration

  • 参加申し込みは以下よりご登録お願いします.申込み締切(10/16)以降の参加申し込みは受け付けません.
  • 発表者の方も参加申し込みが必要です.
  • 日本画像学会個人会員/4DFF研究会メンバーの方は,会員番号を記載ください.
  • 会場参加の方で[見学会]参加希望の方は,申込みフォームで選択してください.申込順とします
  • 申し込みの自動返信メールはありません.事務局でお申し込み内容を確認してから請求書と一緒に返信いたします.(1週間経っても事務局からメールが無い場合はお問い合わせください)
  • 参加費領収証が必要な方は,下記日本画像学会事務局に[4DFF2024参加費領収証発行依頼]のタイトルでメールで申し出てください.

    • If you wish to participate, please register below..No registration will be accepted after the registration deadline (10/16).
    • Registration is required for presenters.
    • If you are an ISJ individual member or a member of the 4DFF Research Group member, please indicate your membership number.
    • There will be no auto-reply email for registration. The secretariat will confirm your application and send you an invoice at a later date.(If you have not received an email from the office after one week, please contact us.)
    • If you need a receipt for the participation fee, please send an e-mail to the following ISJ office with the title [4DFF2024 Participation Fee Receipt Request].
    4DFF2024 参加登録はこちらから
    Registration Here申込期限:10月16日(水)17:00
    Deadline: Oct.16(Wed.)17:00JST


    • 参加申し込み期限:10月16日(水)
    • 参加費の振り込み期限:10月20日(日)
    • 参加URLの送付:10月21日(月)予定 ※ZoomのURLをお送りします.
    • 4DFF2024に関するお問い合わせ先:info@sig4dff.org

      No applications will be accepted after the application deadline, including on the day of the event, Please strictly adhere to the application deadlines listed below.

      • Registration deadline:Oct. 16 (Wed.)
      • Deadline for transfer of participation fee:Oct. 20 (Sun.)
      • Date of sending participation Zoom URL:Oct. 21 (Mon.)
      • Email address for inquiries about 4DFF2024:info@sig4dff.org

      Lightning Talkセッション / Lightning Talk Session

      3日目(10/25)の最終セッション終了後に「Lightning Talkセッション」を企画しています.

      Lightning Talkは参加者による1~2分程度のショートプレゼンコーナーです.事前申し込み制ですので,Lightning Talkを行う方は参加申し込みフォームで選択してください.(オンラインからの参加も可)

      • Lightning Talkはスピーチだけでも結構ですが,スライドや画像,動画など発表形式は自由です.
      • 企業の宣伝,リクルーティングなどにご利用いただいても構いませんが,4DFFに関する内容でお願いします.
      • 発表時間は1〜2分/人を予定しています.
      • 時間の都合で全ての希望者に実施していただけない場合もあります.
      • Lightning Talk終了後,「クロージング&4DFF2024 表彰式」を行います.

      • A "Lightning Talk Competition" is planned after the last session on the third day (10/25).

        Lightning Talks are short 1-2 minute presentations by participants. If you wish to attend the Lightning Talk, please select whether or not you wish to attend the Lightning Talk on the registration form. (Participation from online is also possible.)

        • Lightning Talks can be presented in any format. You can use slides, images, videos, etc. as well as speeches.
        • You may use Lighting Talk for corporate advertising, recruiting, etc., but please keep the content related to 4DFF.
        • Presentation time is expected to be 1-2 minutes per person.
        • Please note that not all applicants may be able to have a Lightning Talk due to time constraints.
        • After the Lightning Talk, "Closing & 4DFF2024 Award Ceremony" will be held.

        懇親会 / Society Party

      • 2日目(10/24)の夕方に現地会場内で立食形式の「情報交換会(懇親会)」を企画しています.
      • 事前申し込み制ですので,参加申し込みフォームの選択で情報交換会(懇親会)に参加するかどうかの選択をしてください.
      • 情報交換会の参加費は,会場で現金でお支払いください.

      • An society party (reception) with standing buffet style is planned in the evening of the second day (10/24) at the on-site venue.
      • Please select whether or not you wish to attend the information exchange meeting (reception) on the registration form.
      • Please pay the registration fee for society party in cash at the venue.
      • 昼食 / Lunch

      • 会場周辺に飲食店は少ないですが,会場(三菱ケミカル)のカフェテリアが利用できます(申込時に選択してください).売店も利用できます.
      • 会場カフェテリアでの精算は交通系ICカード(PASMO,SUICA等)のみとなります.交通系ICカードをお持ちでない方は,事務局にお支払いください
      •  ※使用可能なICカード

      • There are few restaurants around the venue, but you can use the cafeteria at the venue (Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation).
          Please select at the time of registration. A store at venue is also available.
      • Only Japanese Trafic IC cards (PASMO, SUICA, etc.) will be accepted for payment at the cafeteria.
          If you do not have a trafic IC card, please pay in cash to the committee.
      •  ※Available Trafic IC Card

        オンラインでの参加について/Online Participation

        • 4DFF2024は会場とオンラインでのHybrid開催となりますが,ショーケース展示や懇親会等,現地での交流の場を用意していますので,会場参加を推奨いたします.
        • 今後,新型コロナの感染状況や,国や地方自治体,大学・企業から,新しい行動規制に関する通達等があった場合,全面オンライン開催に移行する可能性もあります.


      • 4DFF2024 will be a hybrid of on-site and online sessions, but we encourage you to attend on-site because there will be opportunities to interact with others at the showcase exhibition, reception, and other events.
      • The conference may shift to a fully online format in the future, depending on the infection status of COVID-19, or if there are new rules of conduct issued by the national or local governments, universities, or companies.

      Please pay attention to the announcements on the official website and emails from the conference committee after registration.