Announcement of winners on 4DFF2024
4DFF2024 各賞受賞者
Here are the winners of the 4DFF2024 awards.
Congratulations on the award!
4DFF2024 Award
OP-28 Moto-printed Boat: 立体形状設計と超撥水加工による水環境での動きの設計手法
安村 俊介 (早稲田大学大学院)
OP-28 Moto-printed Boat: Design Methods for Movement in Water Environments Using 3D Structures and Superhydrophobic Coatings
Shunsuke YASUMURA (Waseda University Graduate School)
4DFF2024 優秀賞
OP-25 お餅ディスプレイ: 食品の3D 膨化形状を制御可能な4D フードプリント技術の提案
徳田 雄嵩 (株式会社KDDI総合研究所)
OP-25 Omochi Display: Proposal of 4D food printing technology capable of controlling 3D puffed shapes of food
Yutaka TOKUDA (KDDI Research, Inc.)
4DFF2024 Best Showcase Award
SC-14 Kerf bending 加工を用いた厚みのある剛体面の変形による円筒ねじり折り構造の再現可能性の検証
相馬 悠 (宮城大学大学院)
SC-14 Investigating the feasibility of reproducing cylindrical torsion origami structures through deformation of thick rigid surfaces using kerf bending techniques
Yu SOMA (Miyagi University Graduate School)
4DFF2024 General Chair Award
OP-03 Innovative Inquiry: Translating Physiological Signals to Visualized Emotional Models
楊 舒云 (國立陽明交通大學)
OP-03 Innovative Inquiry: Translating Physiological Signals to Visualized Emotional Models
SHU YUN YANG (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
4DFF2025 will be held at Kyoto Institute of Technology on October 23 and 24. See you next in Kyoto!